Crisman Dot Net 
4 July 2003
New Host
Well, I've switched to a real host now, and set up frontpage, so I should actually have at least DJ up shortly. Yay!
Posted by WolfLord at 1:12 AM
20 May 2003
Or not.
Posted by WolfLord at 3:56 PM
10 October 2002
Is this thing on?
Well, I haven't done anything to the site for a while, hopefully I'll have something by the end of the year.
Posted by WolfLord at 1:02 AM
17 June 2002
New Menu Option
I added a menu option called "Pics" which contains, amazingly enough, pics. Not much so far, but eventually we'll add more stuff.
Posted by WolfLord at 4:48 PM
6 June 2002
More tweaking
I not all that big a fan of CSS, but everyone uses it it seems, so I'm playing with it.
Posted by WolfLord at 1:16 AM
2 June 2002
More Testing
Tech Note: Switched to mySQL storage for news items. Why? Because I can!
Posted by WolfLord at 8:58 AM
1 June 2002 is Live!
Well, this is a temporary placeholder... thing... for the site. I'm currently having some computer problems, so this will have to do for now. I'm planning on showing the family how to use frontpage *shudder* sometime soon, so they can add their own stuff on the site.
Posted by WolfLord at 5:24 AM

Copyright © 2002 Jason "WolfLord" Crisman